
How Can You Trust Your Pallet Racking Suppliers

There is no escaping the fact that getting new racking for your warehouse is an expensive outlay. Of course, there are always pallet racking suppliers out there offering ‘cheap’ solutions, but make the wrong decision at the purchasing stage and undoubtedly it will cost more in the long run.

We explain what to look for in pallet racking suppliers and whether a company with the highest level of credentials will end up costing you more.

What credentials should pallet racking suppliers hold?

Do a quick Google for pallet racking suppliers within the UK and you quickly realise there are a lot of companies out there. However, with few barriers to entry, how do you know which one to pick? One option is to check their credentials. Companies like Teepee that are committed to continuous improvement and working to the highest standards are likely to hold several accreditations. Here are some of the accreditations you may come across, although it is worth noting that holding them does not necessarily guarantee a high level of quality in pallet racking installations.

Pallet Racking Supplier

ISO – Pallet Racking Suppliers

The ISO is an internationally recognised standard seen as a formula for the best way of doing something, whether it’s making a product, managing a process, delivering a service or supplying materials. In the pallet racking industry, you will usually see ISO 45001 which covers occupational health and safety management systems, ISO 14001 which covers environmental management systems and ISO 9001 which covers quality management systems.

CHAS – Pallet Racking Suppliers

CHAS is the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) accreditation that proves a contractor’s health and safety processes meet a high level of compliance. The accreditation demonstrates that the company comply with the law, has sound management of current health and safety legislation and follows best practices.

SafeContractor Pallet Racking Suppliers

SafeContractor is a third-party accreditation scheme that creates a unified system which enables customers to check their contractor’s credentials and ensure compliance across the supply chain. A business must prove that it meets current legislation and has processes in place to ensure it handles health and safety in the best way possible to achieve the approved status.

While these accreditations prove safety during the construction of your pallet racking system, they do not directly relate to the equipment. As you explore your options, you might also come across companies that are accredited as SEMA Approved Members.

SEMA Approved Member - Advanced

What is a SEMA Approved Member?

Let’s start by explaining about the Storage Equipment Manufacturer’s Association, commonly known as SEMA. For over 50 years, they have been a leading voice on the safety and quality of storage equipment such as pallet racking and shelving. Led by the combined expertise of their technical committee, they provide the industry with comprehensive codes of practice and documents which guide both warehouse owners and suppliers of storage equipment.

Their work extends over the lifetime of a pallet racking system, starting at the beginning with the design and manufacture of the structure right through to upholding safety in use and implementing a regular racking inspection regime. Manufacturing, supply, and installation companies make up the association membership. They also run two initiatives which train on installation methods and inspection processes.

What are the advantages of using SEMA Approved Members?

For a warehouse owner working with a SEMA Approved Member can save a lot of time and effort. When purchasing pallet racking solutions, the HSE will expect you to meet certain criteria and check the credentials of your supplier as stipulated in their guidance HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Safety. Although it is not a legal requirement to follow the advice in this document, adhering to the guidance is usually enough to comply with legislation. Work with a SEMA Member and you can save a lot of leg work to check your supplier’s credentials.

Under SEMA, pallet racking suppliers of storage equipment like Teepee are known as SEMA Approved Members. You can only become a SEMA Approved Member if you can demonstrate that you work to SEMA Codes of Practice and meet their high levels of quality and enhanced warehouse safety standards. SEMA Approved Members offer a level of expertise and can design a pallet racks solution that will maximise your storage space, enhance efficiencies and increase productivity. They can also review your warehouse space to ensure your new racking will not only meet your current operations but is ready to expand to meet future requirements.

SEMA Approved Member

SEMA Approved Members Credentials

Pallet racking and shelving suppliers must undergo a rigorous independent audit once every five years. This audit will check the supplier meets SEMA requirements by adhering to over 40 regulations, industry standards, Codes of Practice, and legislative requirements. This provides you with peace of mind that your efficient storage will meet expected load capacity, deliver expected outcomes while also meeting the highest safety and quality levels. SEMA Approved Members must also commit to using SEIRS installers, and SARI inspectors. SEMA membership also checks the company has the correct insurance documentation in place, follows health and safety measures in place and environmental best practice.

There are two levels – SEMA Approved Member and SEMA Approved Member – Advanced. Teepee are SEMA Approved Members – Advanced. This means we demonstrate our commitment to a high SEMA criteria level as demonstrated through the audit.

Is a SEMA member more expensive?

Now you know that Approved Members such as Teepee are working to enhanced warehouse safety levels and the highest quality standards within the industry, it begs the question – is a SEMA Member more expensive? Of course, every supplier is different, and it is not necessarily the case that a SEMA member will be more expensive. However, when comparing quotes, you should consider how your supplier will impact ongoing costs.

With a SEMA Approved Member, you get peace of mind that covers the lifetime of your equipment. Through the guidance provided by SEMA, we offer support to warehouse owners throughout every stage of their pallet racks.

We also have the expertise and knowledge to supply bespoke pallet racking and shelving systems designed to enhance cost benefits. This includes maximising available storage capacity, boosting productivity and considering longevity by incorporating opportunities to extend or alter your pallet racking to accommodate future or changing business growth. The design should also minimise ongoing remedial costs by reducing unnecessary wear and tear.

Return on Investment

Once your adjustable pallet racking system has been installed, to maximise the Return on Investment, we support your team by offering training for your employees which guides how to work correctly in areas with pallet racking and minimise damage. Our interactive Racking Awareness, Safety & Inspection Course will also prepare a member of your team to undertake the weekly safety inspections – a requirement under PUWER.

There is one last advantage to working with a SEMA Approved Member and that is through the relationship we have with Manufacturer Members. When needing repairs on your adjustable pallet racking systems, you should be aware that not all work is valid – you can visit SEMA’s website for guidance on their recommendations.  We have access to SEMA Manufacturing Members’ documents and keep them up to date on approved repairs to their equipment. The manufacturer covers any work we undertake, which will therefore protect your equipment warranty.

Why work with Teepee?

Are you looking to improve your storage solutions? At Teepee, we have created a wide range of storage solutions for major manufacturers and retailers across the UK and, with over 40 years of experience within the industry, we can help you maximise your warehouse. As pallet racking suppliers we are product agnostic which enables us to design and supply the ideal pallet racking system to meet your needs.

We can deliver maximum operational efficiency by working with you to deliver a range of warehouse racking systems, including narrow aisle racking, wide-aisle racking, drive-in racking and push back racking. We can also design and supply mezzanine floor and partitioning systems that maximise your floor space. Plus, we work closely with our customers to design bespoke storage systems that get to the heart of their business to maximise their storage and boost productivity.

If you have any questions, get in touch with one of our team who are on hand to help you out.