
Complete Guide On How To Manage Seasonal Demand in Warehousing

How was your warehouse this Black Friday? Are you dreading the Christmas rush? Most warehouses feel the strain of peaks but instead of getting overwhelmed, now is the time to make a change with some planning to help you manage seasonal demand in warehousing.

There are ways to reduce the impact and ensure your business remains profitable when the orders flood in. With our reliable storage solutions, we can ensure that your systems run smoothly – even when running at peak capacity!

What are seasonal demand fluctuations?

Throughout most of the year, it can be easy to predict product demand and implement accurate inventory planning. However, seasonal demand covers the busy periods in the warehouse when buying habits change due to external events. Most typically they happen during holiday seasons for example when customers are looking to order more such as presents at Christmas. But, it can also cover seasonal events when the consumer is looking to buy more such as items for their annual holiday.

During these periods inventory levels usually run higher with product demand potentially requiring different stock profiles. To run the warehouse successfully you need to implement careful planning to mete the surge in demand.

how to manage seasonal demand in the warehouse

Why does seasonal demand in warehousing cause problems

the main problem is, the need to meet product demand fluctuations. Even though your warehouse can manage capacity for approximately 75% of the year, the other 25% suddenly requires solutions that can meet customer demand and xxx.

The main problem for warehouse owners trying to meet seasonal demand fluctuations, is the ability and flexibility to respond quickly. With customer demand buying earlier for large events such as Christmas, the additional stock requirements and need to hold excess inventory while also increasing pick speeds can place a great strain on the supply chain and the warehouse.

If your warehouse isn’t working at full capacity, here are some of the key areas to consider changing:

1. Warehouse Management – Designed For Speed

The Problem:

At busy times of the year, the key thing you need to unlock is faster picking methods. After all, get your stock from point A to point B in the quickest and safest way possible and it means the order will be despatched Just In Time.

Stock isn’t getting over to the picking and packing area as quickly as you need which is causing delays in getting orders out of the door – the last thing you need is disappointed customers. Even worse, your employees are complaining they can’t locate storage locations to pick the stock or it’s difficult to unload and movement between the zones in your warehouse is limited.

The Solution:

You need to create harmony and a smooth operation in the warehouse to reduce potential bottlenecks, maximise efficiencies and meet the increase in demand. Achieve this by ensuring movement between the different areas is seamless by implementing a racking design that aids the process. Adopt a logical approach – when stock arrives it moves quickly to the correct position for storing. When needed it will be seamlessly picked and moved to the packing area before leaving, on time, for the customer.

flexible storage solutions to accommodate peak seasonal fluctuations

2. Flexible Storage Systems to Meet Market Trends

The problem:

In any warehouse, flexibility has to be the name of the game when it comes to your racking equipment. The design of your storage equipment must have the ability to grow with your business and maximise the potential of your warehouse space.

Your warehouse is full and there is no room to stock more goods but, as seasonal demand for items grows, your storage capacity is limiting the stock levels you can hold. Ideally, you want to avoid the heavy investment of moving premises with extra storage costs, especially with space unused during off-peak season operations. There is also the concern of what happens if there is supply chain disruption.

The solution:

Get your racking systems to drive efficiencies in your warehouse with a solution that matches your processes but also incorporates the flexibility to meet market trends and hold excess inventory when required. Work with warehouse storage experts like Teepee who will design a system that enables adaptability such as adjustable shelving, modular solutions or mezzanine flooring to optimise the available space. Different racking systems can also maximise the footprint of your floor such as Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) racking which utilises the height of your warehouse or Double Deep Racking which offers high-density storage by allowing you to create a depth of two pallets that sit back-to-back.

3. Faster Picking Times During Seasonal Peaks

The Problem:

Speed is the name of the game during warehouse peak season operations. The faster you get stock out the door, the more orders you can send and the bigger your profit. To meet expectations of timely deliveries and increase sales opportunities, your picking speeds need a boost, cut down on errors and prepare for seasonal planning.

 The design of your racking is enhancing the throughput stock and orders are flowing through your warehouse but you still can’t seem to increase picking times. During normal periods, this isn’t a problem but during peaks with seasonal products, it’s quickly creating issues.

The solution:

The first thing you can do is to go digital with your stock control with inventory management software.  You may already have a Warehouse Management System (WMS) in place but does the current system need a review? Can it deliver accurate forecasting and real-time stock inventory to meet fluctuations in demand patterns and eliminate wastage with excess stock?

The second step is automation. As the popularity of these systems increases, prices have been driven down. Even adding in only a few automated systems can quickly provide a large increase in pick time. Last but not least, see if your choice of racking can improve the situation. For example, push-back racking places the pallets on gravity tracks to enable high-density storage locations for several SKUs without needing to move large quantities of pallets to gain access

faster picking times and reduced errors in the warehouse

4. Staff Training

The Problem:

Prepare your team for working in areas with racking and it can provide multiple benefits. Not only will it keep them safe and provide them with the knowledge on how to look after the racking but they will also feel confident in working around the storage equipment.

The problem is, your team on the warehouse floor don’t understand the complexities of working around racking. They haven’t been shown how to read a load notice sign or how to place or remove stock from the racks. This can very quickly lead to damage which, in a busy warehouse when product demand is high, it can be a big problem (see Looking After Your Racking section below).

The solution:

Give your team the confidence they need to work safely in areas with racking and they’ll have the skills to work more efficiently. To achieve this, send them on a training course with experts within the racking industry. Ideally, you want to work with a company that designs and supplies storage equipment that will have a greater understanding of how these systems work and how to use them correctly. For example, our Racking Safety and Awareness Course will equip your employees with the tools they need to recognise damage on racking, correct loading methods and safe operating procedures.

5. Look after your racking

The problem:

Damaged racking is a disaster when the peak season operations periods hit. Ignoring even small damage on your racking is not an option and will likely lead to more serious issues. Getting damaged racking repaired will ultimately reduce order efficiency but throw in the busiest periods of the year and additional cost gains usually made at this time of year will instead slip away.

When you racking becomes damaged it can mean the whole bay being put out of action. But here’s the problem, your warehouse is at peak demand and you don’t have time to get someone in to repair it or consider how to work around a team fixing your racking.

The solution:

Take a proactive approach. This means implementing a regular inspection process with daily inspections by employees who work around the racking – our training can help prepare them for this task. Next, you need to appoint a member of your team to undertake the role of Person Responsible for Racking Safety (PRRS). Their job is to conduct regular, weekly visual inspections and maintain a written record of their findings to ensure your company is meeting Health & Safety Executive (HSE) requirements.

Finally, make sure you book a visit with one of our approved inspectors for your Expert inspection. Conducted at least once a year, the Expert inspection can only be conducted by a qualified inspector. Get one of our inspectors in and they will identify any problems and then provide actionable solutions to keep your warehouse racking safe and compliant with regulations.

A SEMA-accredited Teepee inspector carrying out a warehouse racking inspection

Do you need help with strategic planning for seasonal sales?

If you’re ready to take your warehouse to the next level and get in shape for the peak season in 2025, now’s the time to implement an effective strategy that will help you to meet seasonal trends. Why not contact us and let’s have a chat about what problems your warehouse is facing and how we can help you meet product demand? With over 30 years of experience within the industry, we’re confident that we can find a solution to improve productivity in your warehouse.



What You Should Know About Pallet Racking Safety Guidelines

For any business, it’s common sense to ensure your equipment works correctly, built to product regulations and safe to use. Most of us know where to look for advice and the marks associated with meeting UK standards. However, one area that still seems to cause a lot of confusion are pallet racking safety guidelines. Yet getting it right is critical especially when you consider that in most warehouse situations the structure sits in close proximity to your employees. Ensuring it’s in tip top condition and meeting pallet racking safety guidelines is crucial.

In our blog, we walk you through the different life stages of your racking and explain how guidance from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and industry regulations impact how you look after it and the decisions you make when purchasing racking.

Pallet racking that has passed pallet racking inspections in a warehouse

Warehouse Safety Standards

We’re going to start our blog by looking at the end point – how to look after your racking. We’re covering this area first because it is the one most regulations and industry guidance reference.

When it comes to running your storage facility safely there are numerous documents from the HSE. These advise on safety measures that keep everyone in your the workplace safe.

The following list doesn’t cover everything, but the main guidance you should be aware of is as follows:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act is the primary safety legislation with covers occupational health and safety in Great Britain. It sets out the general duties employers have towards their employees and members of the public. You must also ensure that you maintain workplaces, equipment and systems appropriately and provide information and instruction on safe use, testing or examination to ensure compliance.
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations reinforce the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, by outlining that employers identify the risks faced by their employees, contractors and members of the public and take steps to control any danger as well as provide necessary training for employees.
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations aim to ensure that workplaces meet the health, safety and welfare needs of employees. They apply to most workplaces but exclude construction work on sites, those in or on a ship or those below ground at a mine!
  • The Manual Handling Operations Regulations provides guidance on how to avoid, assess and reduce the risk of injury from manual handling.
  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations often abbreviate to LOLER place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over lifting equipment.
  • Work at Height Regulations expects employers to prevent the risk of death or injury caused by a fall from height. Due to the height reached with racking equipment, the design may need to incorporate safeguards for arresting falls and guard rails.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations often abbreviated to PUWER, place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over work equipment. It requires owners to ensure that the equipment provided is suitable for the intended use, safe to use, maintained correctly and inspected regularly.

There are two additional pieces of guidance information which are of direct relevance to the warehouse. This includes HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety and SEMA Codes. It is not a legal requirement to follow these guidance documents. However, if you fail to meet your legislative requirements and HSE were to take enforcement action they can use the HSG76 and SEMA Design Codes frameworks to bring action against your business. We’ll discuss these in more detail later on.

Pallet Racking Safety Guidelines – Regular Inspections

warehouse safety - inspection

Most of the regulations above place a heavy emphasis on ensuring you maintain your equipment it and works correctly. Your racking is performing the crucial job of keeping tonnes of equipment safely above the heads of your employees. If you have a look at HSG76 it confirms that racking is manufactured from relatively lightweight materials. This fact does limit the amount of abuse it can withstand and any damage will reduce its load carrying capacity. The greater the damage the less strength the structure will have.

For this reason, it is incredibly important to implement regular inspections. The first stage is to ensure your employees have the skills to identify damage on the racking. They should then be aware of how to report it immediately to the person responsible for inspections. You should also nominate a member of your team to perform visual inspections and maintain a formal written record. At Teepee we offer training to prepare your team for working around racking.

At least once a year, you must support the regular in-house pallet racking inspections with an expert inspection. This inspection must be undertaken by a qualified rack inspector who has the correct qualifications. Their role is to conduct racking and storage assessment reports on the racking and advise if it requires repair work.

If you need an expert inspection, book an appointment with one of our Teepee inspectors. Their report will detail specifications, conditions, damage list by location and photographic evidence for remedial works by your approved supplier.

racking repairs - installation

Racking Installation

Be aware that HSG76 states it’s not sufficient to assume contractors carrying out racking maintenance are competent and work safely. You must check and establish their credentials prior to them starting the work. Ensure they have suitable insurance cover, and provide method and risk assessments prior to commencement of work on site.

With very few racking installation qualifications on the market, this can be a difficult area to check. That is why the Storage Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (SEMA) set up their SEIRS training programme for installers of pallet racking. SEMA is a leading voice on safety within the storage equipment industry and if you look at the racking sections in HSG76, you will notice their work is referenced throughout. As one of the SEMA Approved Members, we must commit to using with SEIRS registered installers for our racking installations.

SEIRS is a two-stage training programme which instructs on the correct and safe industry practices for installing racking. Some racking projects are built on construction sites, and it may be a requirement of the project manager for installers to hold a CSCS card. Be aware that CSCS class certain activities such as racking installations as a specialised skill. In these cases you can only access the correct card through one of their partner card schemes. A CSCS card for racking installations is only available through SEIRS.

Pallet Racking Safety Guidelines – Racking Design

At the start of your racking’s journey, it must meet set criterion to ensure the structure is suitable for the job. In other words, it must work for your space, picking methods and stock weight and type.

This is where design codes help. They ensure ensuring suppliers can demonstrate the systems they supply conform to quality standards and health and safety requirements. We meet these conditions by using codes when designing racking. In the UK, we must ensure it conforms to either EN 15512 or SEMA Design Codes which seen as the standards of the industry.

An example of warehouse pallet storage racks designed and installed by Teepee

Trust in Teepee

As a SEMA Approved Member we are regularly kept up to date on the latest industry requirements for the design and installation of racking systems. This way, you know we have created a safe working environment for your employees. To gain our membership we must demonstrate that we work to over 40 regulations, industry standards, Codes of Practice and legislative requirements.

The membership is awarded after we meet the conditions of an independent audit which checks our work across five key areas. These include:

  • SEMA standard compliance
  • Making sure we maintain proper legal and insurance documentation
  • Conformance to Health and Safety requirements
  • Commitment to reduce environmental impacts
  • Work towards the highest quality standards

We have also been awarded SEMA’s top membership level for racking suppliers. By achieving the SEMA Approved Member – Advanced status which demonstrates our commitment to meeting a high SEMA criteria level.

Are you looking to improve your storage solutions? At Teepee, we have created storage systems for major manufacturers and retailers across the UK. With over 40 years experience within the industry, we can help you maximise the performance of your warehouse. We work closely with customers to design bespoke warehouse pallet racking systems that get to the heart of their business. Our systems help them to maximise their storage and boost productivity.

If you have any questions, get in touch with one of our team who are on hand to help you out.



Transform Your Warehouse Into A Treat This Halloween

With Halloween lurking around the corner, is it time to see if you are delivering a trick or a treat and consider whether it’s time to transform your warehouse?

At Teepee, we specialize in supplying warehouse systems such as partitioning, racking, mezzanine floors, and safety barriers—solutions that can turn your warehouse into a functional masterpiece, with less fright and more delight! We can show you how to avoid monsters lurking in the aisles and instead treat your warehouse to a hauntingly good transformation that will enhance productivity, and storage capacity, to increase profitability and safety.

1. Clear the Cobwebs: Organize Your Space with Effective Racking Solutions

transform your warehouse and clear out cobwebs

Don’t let your warehouse feel like you’re navigating a haunted house. Are dark corners making items disappear? Do piles of stock appear to be moving all by themselves? If your warehouse layout is looking more like a horror scene, it might be time to sweep out the cobwebs and go for streamlined and efficient racking.

The best way to get the most out of your warehouse is to go for a bespoke design. That way you can have a racking layout which works perfectly for your business. The design should accommodate stock profiles, and your picking methods, while also enhancing inventory management. It should enhance the journey of stock as it moves through your warehouse, making sure it is easily accessible and seamlessly moves through the space until the moment the order leaves the building.

A bespoke design will also consider the type of storage equipment you need, whether that’s pallet racking for larger goods, narrow aisle racking to increase storage capacity within the footprint of your building or shelving that can fill a tight space in your warehouse.

By getting Teepee to design a racking system tailored to your exact requirements, we’ll take the planning and design weight off your shoulders. Our design will maximise the space in your warehouse and avoid the ghastly scenes of overcrowded aisles and disorganised inventory.


2. Banish Hazards with Safety Barriers

transform your warehouse with safety barriers

When things go bump in the warehouse, make sure it doesn’t turn into a horror story. Getting suitable protection around high-risk areas can help your warehouse to operate safely while keeping your workers protected from any unexpected scares. It is also a requirement to ensure you comply with current Health & Safety Legislation and Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) recommendations.

The problem is, with so many options on the market, which is the best one for your racking and business? One advantage of working with a supplier like Teepee is that we are product agnostic which means we can supply the best safety equipment to suit your warehouse – regardless of the manufacturer. We offer a range of steel or impact-resistance plastic safety barriers and guarding systems such as racking safety barriers, pedestrian barriers, end-of-aisle racking barriers including upright protection guards, mezzanine floor stanchion guards and protection barriers around machines, offices and building walls. We also offer a bespoke manufacturing service to meet individual needs.

3. Banish the spectre of unused space

transform your warehouse and maximise unused space

If your warehouse is haunted by the lack of storage space or inadequate areas for picking and packing tasks, maybe it’s time to consider how to maximise your warehouse. Any building has constrains with the height and width of the structure, but it is possible to enhance what you have with a few little treats.

There are plenty of options to incorporate into the warehouse that can provide additional storage capacity. With multi-tier racking you build upwards to utilise the space above your head by creating levels and walkways on which you place shelving to create picking lanes. Another option is to introduce some space-saving models such as Push Back racking which operates on a First In Last Out (FILO) system. The racking stores up to 10 pallets deep and can optimise the space by up to 85%. Pallets load onto a gravity roll track that pushes previous pallets to the back, then, when you pick a pallet, the next one behind will move forward. Pallets load and unload from the same aisle picking space and you can store several SKUs without needing to move large quantities of pallets to gain access.

If it’s usable space you’re looking for, you might want to consider adding a mezzanine floor. These structures are custom-built for your needs and can be used for multiple purposes including additional storage, production space and even offices.

4. Divide and Conquer this Halloween with Partitioning Systems

transform your warehouse with partitioning

Instead of going up, why not look at casting a spell by dividing the floor space you currently have. After all, a chaotic warehouse layout can make it feel like everything’s closing in on you, much like a claustrophobic haunted house.

Maybe you need to better utilise the space on your factory floor. Perhaps, you’re looking to create extra rooms for dedicated workspaces or offices for private meetings. At Teepee, we can supply bespoke and multi-functional partition walls that solve all your nightmare dilemmas.

Our industrial partitioning solutions offer the flexibility you need to create distinct work zones on your factory floor, ensuring the safety of your employees and enhancing the productivity of your business. Whether you need to section off areas for manufacturing, storage, or office space within your factory, our factory partitioning walls are the ultimate solution for all your partitioning needs. If you already have dedicated office space, we can also provide glass office partitions to enhance your layout.

5. Scare Off Downtime with Regular Inspections and Maintenance

transform your warehouse and scare off downtime

Nothing is more terrifying for a warehouse than unexpected downtime due to damage racking. You can avoid frightful surprises by regularly inspecting your storage equipment.

As a SEMA Approved Member – Advanced, we recommend their advice of following a three-tiered inspection approach.

  • Every day your team should be keeping an eye on your racking and reporting if they see any knocks or bumps. Why is this important? Well, your storage equipment is manufactured from lightweight materials and there is a limit to the amount of abuse it can withstand. As explained in HSG76 Warehousing & Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety, any amount of damage can significantly reduce the load-bearing capacity and stability of the racking structure.
  • Once a week a nominated member of your team should perform a visual inspection. The role is also known as a Person Responsible for Racking Safety (PRRS) and they should check everyone is following correct usage, record damage levels and implement action on any points. A formal record of their inspection will be written for your records. To prepare your team for damage checking the racking and undertaking the weekly inspection we offer our Racking and Safety Awareness Course.
  • At least once a year, you must submit your racking to an Expert inspection. This can only be done by a competent and trained inspector with the correct qualifications for this type of inspection. They will conduct racking and storage assessments while also reporting and making recommendations to maintain the safety of your racking. If you need an expert inspection, get in touch and one of our approved racking inspectors to visit your site. They will produce an electronic report that details damage list by location, a traffic light reporting system for the completion of repair work and photographic evidence for remedial works.

If you want to make your warehouse a fright-free zone this Halloween why not get in touch with Teepee. With over 35 years of experience within the industry, we have the knowledge and skills to discuss your project and determine the best solution for your facility! We can also arrange a free on-site consultation to ensure your warehouse design maximises your business.



How to Improve Storage Solutions In Your Warehouse

In most warehouses, running at maximum efficiency is critical to the operations of your business. If stock is easy to locate and move through the space it increases productivity, reduces costs and improves customer satisfaction. To achieve this, everything needs to run at optimum efficiency and playing a central role to this, are your storage solutions. Improve their functionality, design or even the type of racking and shelving you have in your warehouse, and it can make considerable improvements and cost reductions.

At Teepee, we have over 35 years of experience designing, supplying, installing and maintaining racking and shelving systems. We’ve learnt a thing or two about how to boost storage solutions in your warehouse. Read our top five list of recommendations and then get in touch for a free consultation.

Why do I need to improve my storage solutions?

With most warehouse businesses, there is always a need to make improvements. Perhaps you want to turn orders around more quickly. Maybe you’re looking to add new stock lines. Or you could be looking to divide your warehouse to accommodate different processing tasks e.g. zones for standard retail goods, online orders and handling returns. The issues are far-reaching, yet most can be improved by making simple adjustments to your storage solutions. There may even be some issues you didn’t realise could be fixed by updating your racking. For example, the layout of your storage solution could be causing unnecessary accidents or creating problems with overstocking.

Warehouses come in all shapes and sizes and while there are limitations, the footprint of your building shouldn’t dictate how effectively the space works or prevent you from exploring ways to create extra storage capacity. Manage the space and stock well and it should lead to increased profitability.

The changes don’t always need an expensive outlay, sometimes a few changes to the racking style or the design in your warehouse can make huge difference.

Improving storage options usually falls into five key areas:

  • Enhancing the design to create a safer and more streamlined warehouse
  • Improving warehouse efficiency to increase profitability
  • Maximising your space to enable you to grow
  • Safety
  • Delivering the best Return On Investment for your racking

wide aisle pallet racking are ideal for large bulky items

Issue 1: Incorrect design for your storage solutions

When we visit a warehouse, the first thing we explore is whether the design of your equipment is working for your company.  It is easy to pick racking that matches your stock type, but really you need the design of your racking to match your processes.

Your racking plays a pivotal role in getting the stock from A to B in the most efficient manner with minimal sticking points. Any supplier should be looking at how many pallets are passing through the warehouse – where they enter the warehouse and what happens to the pallets after they have been delivered. They should also check if there’s an area to store the deliveries and then consider how the pallets move to the racking. Finally, how does the stock move to the final stages of being picked and packed before leaving the warehouse?

A bespoke storage solution design should consider your immediate and future requirements and optimise the layout to organise your stock and streamline processes. It should then select the best solution for your business, whether that is pallet racking or combining a mix of solutions into one structure. Get this right and it will provide the outline for a successful warehouse.

Issue 2: Maximise efficiencies

There are plenty of ways to improve efficiencies and some may require small changes, but it is largely down to how you manage your inventory levels. How organised are the storage areas – a critical step if you hold multiple products. You can efficiently categorise your pallets in different ways, whether that’s by SKU, size of product or even based on stock demand.

Once organised, next determine how easily your team manage stock levels. It’s no good suddenly running out of particular type of item when an order needs to go out the door. The design of your racking should improve visibility to make items easier to locate. Not only does this improve pick and pack times but also reduces wasted man hours searching for particular types of item. If you have a large number of pallets per SKU then a bulk storage solution such as a drive-in/drive-through racking will be worth considering but if you have multiple SKUs, you may need more than one type of storage system.

You also need to maximise efficiency by asking if your racking matches the stock profile. If you have small items stored on a pallet racking shelf it’s going to waste a lot of valuable space. You may also consider how stock moves around the warehouse and whether it aligns with your racking. Could automation improve and speed up the processes and how well does everything integrate with the picking and packing process.

Racking that has been cleared of products for a warehouse racking inspection

Issue 3: Not enough storage space!

This is a key problem most warehouse owners face. Here’s the scenario – customer demand has grown; you need to hold more stock, but you’ve run out of capacity. The solution is normally to move warehouse. The problem is overheads associated with renting a larger warehouse along with the cost of physically moving can quickly eat into your profits. That’s before you even consider purchasing new racking to accommodate that extra stock.

If you’re working with limited space, it might benefit your business to review your current storage solution and see how a few adjustments can create additional storage and maximise your warehouse space. One great example is to utilise the unused space above your head by building your racking up. You can choose a multi-tier racking system although it may not always be possible depending on your current equipment. Alternatively, for a quicker and potentially cheaper option, you can add mezzanine floors to your warehouse. These can be used for a wide range of options such as adding shelving, adding an office or creating zoned areas.

Not all racking is made the same, while Adjustable Pallet Racking is ideal for bulky items, another option could be to introduce some space-saving models such as Push Back racking which operates on a First In Last Out (FILO) system. The racking stores up to 10 pallets deep and can optimise the space by up to 85%. Pallets are loaded onto a gravity roll track that pushes previously loaded pallets deep to the back, then, when you pick a pallet, the next one behind will move forward. Pallets load and unload from the same aisle picking space and you can store several SKUs without needing to move large quantities of pallets to gain access.

Consider whether the design of your storage equipment is maximising the entire floor space. Although pallet racking will take up a large footprint, it is possible to use smaller solutions such as industrial shelving to maximise unused areas. Shelving also makes retrieving products much quicker which can speed up order processing times.

push back racking can maximise storage capacity within a smaller footprint

Issue 4: Safety

Working in a warehouse can be a dangerous environment and, if you look on the HSE website, you will find numerous guidance documents on how to operate safely. Your racking and shelving plays a crucial role in maximising the safety of your warehouse and it’s an important element to consider when looking to improve your storage solutions. Every day your racking will be subjected to knocks and bumps which will damage the racking. Ignore the damage and it can quickly escalate into a much bigger problem which impacts the safety of your warehouse.

Your racking should be designed to reduce unnecessary wear and tear, but you can also reduce risks by incorporating training for your team. This element is so important it is recommended by the HSE in their HSG 76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety and by SEMA, a leading voice in the industry on storage equipment safety.

When looking for a racking safety course, it’s worthwhile getting training in a familiar setting from experts who work within the industry. That’s why our interactive Racking Awareness, Safety & Inspection Course is delivered by our experienced inspectors at your premises.

The classroom-based element of the course will equip candidates with a level of competence that meets Health & Safety guidelines and legislation. Yet, there is also an important practical section which allows your employees to work alongside our qualified inspector to ensure continuity of findings between the in-house and expert inspections.

A Teepee inspector carrying out a pallet racking inspection in a warehouse

Issue 5: Storage Solutions Return On Investment (ROI)

Training your team will play a significant role but you have to follow this up with an Expert inspection In accordance with HSE requirements, this should be at least once a year and only conducted by a professional with the correct qualifications to undertake this type of inspection. They will conduct racking and storage assessments while also reporting and making recommendations to maintain the safety of your racking. Conducting an Expert inspection is another essential element in maximising the lifespan of your equipment. Damage on racking can very quickly grow from a small problem to a much larger issue which could increase repair costs and minimise the structures integrity.

Before asking a company over to repair your racking, first check their credentials. Not all repair work is valid (you can visit SEMA’s website for guidance on their recommendations). You should also check if the installer is replacing non-structural elements with the correct part according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Finally, check how the work will impact your manufacturer’s warranty. Any warehouse racking repairs using third-party materials or unqualified installers could alter the original specification and verification of the product and its integrity. The company undertaking the work must provide a warranty to confirm that the repairs are covered by the manufacturer.

Get in Touch

Are you looking for the perfect solution? At Teepee, we have provided a variety of creative solutions for major manufacturers and retailers across the UK, and with a 35+ year proven track record, we have the experience and knowledge to assist you in maximising your warehouse.

If you have any questions, get in touch with one of our team who are on hand to help you out.



Improved warehouse safety – make your racking a priority task

Safety has to be a priority in any warehouse. They are busy environments. Heavy stock is moving around and you must protect employees while working in the space. However, over recent years with the fast growth in e-commerce, pressures have increased within the warehouse. With a drive for additional storage capacity and faster throughput of stock, are you remembering to maintain warehouse safety?

In the warehouse, the main focus areas for safety are slips and falls, manual handling and keeping your employees safe around moving vehicles. The challenge, especially as our warehouse spaces get busier, is how to minimise the risks. This is where your racking comes into play. Get the design of your storage equipment right, take the correct measures on maintenance and training and it will address many of your safety issues.

Here is our checklist of key points to consider to maximise pallet racking safety.

warehouse safety - pallet racking safety

Warehouse Safety – roles and responsibilities

Before we look at how your pallet racking can make a warehouse safe, you first need to understand your responsibilities towards warehouse safety. Fortunately, serious incidents around racking are rare, but they can and do still happen. This is why there are several regulations and guidance documents in place that any business owner must follow to meet their health and safety requirements. These are:

In addition to these, there are three regulations and guidance documents which specifically relate to increasing warehouse safety. These also cover safety in the design, installation and use of your pallet racking equipment.

Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) sets out the legal duties of everyone involved in a construction project. Although you may not realise it, large pallet-racking projects fall under the category of construction work. CDM 2015 requires the client (anyone who has construction work carried out for them) to make sure their project is suitably managed and upholds the health and safety of anyone involved.

In conjunction with industry unions, associations and employer bodies, HSE produces HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety. The document offers advice to warehouse owners in increasing safety and covers general health, safety and welfare, materials handling and storage.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, 1998 places the responsibility on employers to uphold safety for their employees by ensuring the work equipment they use is in good working order. The regulations include pallet racking and other storage equipment.

Increase Pallet Racking Safety

Making sure your racking equipment and warehouse space meet industry regulations is essential. However, in an industry with so many different suppliers, knowing who to work with can be a challenge. How do you know they have chosen the right system for your warehouse? Does the design increase warehouse safety standards? Will the structure meet its intended purpose? Are they meeting all the regulations?

Checking the credentials of your suppliers can take a lot of time, especially if you’re not a racking expert! One place to start is by contacting SEMA, a leading voice in the storage equipment industry. Their guidance works through the design, supply, installation, use and maintenance of storage equipment.

To help warehouse owners even further they also work with leading industry suppliers to create a network of approved members. Work with a SEMA Distributor Company such as Teepee and you know they undergo independent audits to ensure they meet all the industry requirements and standards. This provides clear proof to warehouse owners that their new storage system will be correctly designed using new products that are installed by trained and qualified teams to meet HSE standards and that the member is correctly insured. It will save you a lot of time and effort making sure you tick all the health and safety boxes!

warehouse safety - loading

Prioritising pallet racking safety

One of the advantages of working with a SEMA Distributor Company is that you know they are benefitting from the technical expertise available through the group. That means we are kept up to date on the latest industry regulations, technical requirements and design guidance.

To enhance your warehouse safety, we will make sure that your racking considers the following:

  1. Safe working spaces
    Keeping your employees safe when working in areas with pallet racking has a lot to do with the layout of the equipment. Of course, optimising the racking must address how to increase storage capacity, processing order timescales and productivity. But good design and layout will also help reduce accidents, keep your employees safe from moving vehicles and minimise the risk of slips or trips. This includes creating clear pathways, designated loading and unloading zones, and ensuring stock is accessed safely.
  2. Moving vehicles
    In the modern warehouse, you will inevitably see some form of vehicle moving around the space. Forklift trucks are the most common but, with the increase in automation and robotics, the requirements are changing. However, with warehouse workers also using the space there needs to be constant management to prevent accidents. Traffic routes around the racking should allow pedestrians to see the vehicles and drivers to operate safely. Where possible, employees should be kept separate from the vehicles.
  3. Racking designed for stock profiles and picking methods
    As warehouse spaces become larger, so too do the size and height of the racking structures. It is not unusual for workers to work above floor level on mezzanine or multi-tier structures or through the use of forklift trucks. Keeping everyone safe on the shop floor requires a design that includes enough space between the beams for the picking methods, equipment used and stock profiles. The racking aisles must also accommodate safe access to goods, use correct racking protection products and incorporate the moving space of fork-lift trucks and robotics.
  4. Pallet racking – weight limits
    The design of your racking includes limits on the weight the structure can hold and how to load it correctly. The precise details can be different for each bay or racking run depending on the stock you carry. Important guidance when you consider that, in its simplest form, your racking is a basic metal frame. Ignore the weight-carrying specifications and it can lead to a potential failure of the racking. You can’t expect everyone to remember the different weight-carrying capacities which is why your employees need to pay attention to the Load Notice. This key warehouse safety sign clearly shows the correct loading and weight procedures for the structure.
  5. Pallet racking safety equipment
    If you have the optimal design for your racking it should keep everyone safe. However, it can only meet its intended purpose if everything is working correctly. Your supplier should also build in safety equipment that protects the racking from damage including rack guards and post protectors. Finally, for correct installation of the structure you must use a SEIRS installer who has trained to meet SEMA and industry standards. That way you will know pallet racking safety pins are correctly securing beams in place. Locks are in place to ensure adjustments are not be made by unauthorised members.

warehouse safety - rack protectors

Improving Safety

The racking is in place and stock is moving through the space seamlessly. Stock efficiency has increased to minimise order timescales and increase your profitability.

Now the biggest challenge – how to keep it all working correctly!

The answer lies in equipping your employees with the knowledge of how to work in areas with racking. It may seem easy to dismiss racking training as an unnecessary step, but it does provide you with two clear advantages. First, and perhaps most importantly, it will keep your employees safe. Second of all, it will help to maximise the lifespan of your racking (which is ideal for maximising the ROI).

That is why we run our Rack Inspection Training. The course equips your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to work safely in areas where racking is present. It also provides them with the tools they need to recognise damage on racking. After all, the sooner damaged racking is reported, the sooner it can be fixed and the safer everyone stays. Finally, our course will help you in meeting your PUWER responsibilities by training a member of your team to perform the HSE and SEMA recommended weekly inspection.

warehouse safety - inspection

Ongoing Warehouse Safety

The final step is to ensure your racking keeps everyone safe for as long as possible. You can only achieve this if the structure is subject to an Expert inspection at least once a year. This inspection must be undertaken by a professional with the correct qualifications. Their role is to conduct racking and storage assessment reports on the racking and recommend if repair work is required.

Ideally, you want an approved racking inspector who uses a traffic light reporting system according to SEMA guidelines. Their report will indicate where damage is present and action requirements over what timescale.

  • Green areas indicate where damage falls within SEMA limits and is considered safe and suitable for use, but it will need reviewing at the next inspection.
  • Amber shows where the damage is severe enough to require remedial work, but you don’t need to offload the racking immediately. As pallet positions empty, you must not refill the area. Repairs not completed within four weeks automatically become a red risk.
  • Red risk areas indicates a dangerious level of damage and the racking requires immediate offloading. At this stage, you must isolate the racking and not use it until the repair work is complete.

If you need an expert inspection, get in touch with Teepee and we can arrange for one of our fully qualified and insured racking inspectors to visit your site. They will produce an electronic report that adheres to SEMA inspection guidelines. The report will detail specifications, conditions, damage list by location and photographic evidence for remedial works by your approved supplier.

Need help in upholding warehouse safety?

At Teepee, we’re more than just creating and delivering the perfect storage solution. We place safety and high standards at the forefront of every racking design and installation we fulfil.

If you’ve got a warehouse storage project planned, why not contact Teepee? Our experience within the racking and warehouse industry means that we can help deliver a project that promises safety, quality and reliability throughout the lifetime of your racking.



Warehouse Trends 2024 – How to Plan Warehouse Racking Systems

Is your warehouse ready for 2024? At this early stage of the year, it is the ideal time for businesses to review their warehouse and work on a plan that will boost productivity and increase efficiencies. Maybe you’ve run out of storage space? Do you need to review your warehouse racking systems or your picking and packing timescales are too slow? Do you need to upgrade your warehouse management, or do you want to analyse changes in customer behaviour? In this new era of increased e-commerce, the warehouse and logistics industry is rapidly changing. However, new warehouse trends and developments are arising that could provide the answers.

So where is the best place to start? With so much noise, it’s hard to pinpoint the changes that will provide the best Return On Investment. If you’re worried about the affordability of new technologies, not sure how easy they are to implement or concerned about disrupting warehouse life, this blog is just for you.

With over 30 years of experience working in the storage equipment and warehousing industry, we know a thing or two about how you can give your warehouse a push in the right direction. Our complete guide will give you some pointers. We look at ways to improve the agility of your supply chain, and how you can future-proof your warehouse for this new revolution in warehouse trends.

Warehouse Trends - add workable space with a mezzanine floor

Optimising Your Warehouse Space

Before looking at new warehouse trends and what to invest in, let’s start off your 2024 plan with something you already have – your warehouse space. With the cost-of-living crisis challenging our year ahead and warehouse space at a premium, how can we make changes without breaking the bank?

In recent years, warehouse owners have faced the problem of not having enough storage capacity. This could be due to rising costs or a lack of availability of suitable units. Moving doesn’t always have to be the answer. Instead, look at making the best use of your space and invest in a new warehouse racking system. You may not realise it, but your racking could be the key that unlocks a lot of the problems you may experience in your warehouse.

  • Lack of storage?
    Choose warehouse racking systems which increases the density and capacity of your space. For example, a multi-tier structure adds additional storage space and maximises the full height of your building. Or create additional floor space within the same unit with a warehouse mezzanine floor. If you haven’t got the height opt for a VNA (Very Narrow Aisle) which decreases the aisle width and allows more racking within the same space.
  • A need for speed?
    Ensure your layout works for the throughput of your stock. Its journey from the moment it arrives in the warehouse until the moment it leaves should be seamless. To speed up the process, the design of your warehouse racking systems should enhance the flow of the stock, making it easy to locate and removing sticking points. You could even opt for a system such as push-back racking. This operates on a FILO (first in, last out) system which provides less need for manual stock rotation to increase picking and packing timescales.

Future Proofing: Keeping up with Warehouse Trends in 2024

Is your warehouse ready for the future? Can it maximise your business for years to come? Although your warehouse might have supported your business performance in the past, there is no guarantee it will do so in the future. This is especially true when you look at the rise of e-commerce and the demands it places for faster delivery times and multifunctional spaces.

Of course, installing the best warehouse racking systems for your space can help, but to stay competitive in 2024 it is also critical to understand what the new warehouse trends are and how they can improve your business. To help you out, here we share what we believe the future holds. Not that we are psychics or anything.

Warehouse trends - automation

Automation Trend

Even though we have just stepped into 2024, the warehouse industry knows that the advancements in warehouse automation and AI will continue to be a hot topic. After all, integrate these technological advances and it can improve productivity, increase the flow of stock, deliver consistent results. However, for a lot of smaller logistics, cost has been a prohibitive factor. As the growth and uptake of automation continue, prices are expected to come down and, with the efficiencies it can deliver, should offer a high Return On Investment for businesses.

Of course, any new technology must be the right fit for your warehouse and work with your space. To be successful, the new solutions have to be harmonious with the traditional – your warehouse racking systems. Get advice from industry experts on how automation, robotics or AI will work for you and whether the design of your racking accommodates key elements. For example, does it provide clearance for the movement of automation or build on the improvements the new technology can deliver?

Data is King!

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are not new in the modern warehouse and most businesses have one in place to improve efficiencies. However, as technology advances, now might be the time to address whether your WMS still works for your business.

WMS are essential for providing real-time analytics and insights into the movement of your stock and managing your supply chain fulfilment. Combine the system with AI, especially with hybrid operations, and it can improve the process even further. This will increase the efficiency of your warehouse by avoiding the chance of stockouts and enabling quick response times. Get the right warehouse racking systems in place to support your WMS and it can transform your warehouse.

Warehouse trends - inspection


As transparency becomes a big factor, customers are expecting businesses to share their contributions to reducing carbon emissions. As the new generation becomes more conscious about environmental impacts and methods towards achieving net zero targets, sustainable efforts by businesses have become a major factor that has influenced buying behaviour/ purchasing decisions. Warehouse owners must prioritise the integration of sustainability at an early stage.

It can be challenging to implement sustainability in the logistics industry. Yet even small changes can be implemented that can make significant savings on carbon emissions. Whether it’s implementing energy-efficient lighting, HVAC or increasing the number of recyclable materials used in your packaging. Also, examine the credentials of your warehouse racking systems. Look at where it has been manufactured and the journey it makes to your warehouse. Alternatively increase the lifespan of your equipment by adopting a rigorous inspection regime

Warehouse trends - work environment

Quality Work Environments

With rising mental health issues over the past 10 years, the focus on well-being in the workplace has become an important factor. Fostering a positive work environment has proven to have a great impact on employee engagement and organisational performance.

You can support your team by introducing a positive work culture. Specify designated break areas that are comfortable and relaxing. Equip them with the knowledge to perform their job correctly. When it comes to your racking this has the added benefit of keeping them safe! Send them on a training course like our Rack Inspection Training course. Delivered by our expert instructors, the course provides them with the knowledge to work safely around warehouse racking systems. They will also learn how to recognise damage to the equipment. Training is a great way to bring peace of mind to any work environment.

How can Teepee help?

We hope this blog gives you a better understanding of how to give your warehouse a boost in 2024.

Need some help? Why not get in touch with Teepee and see how we can help to upgrade your business in 2024? As a SEMA Distributor Company and through our experience with a wide range of industries, we can provide a full turnkey solution that delivers everything you need to maximise your performance and increase safety:

  • Start with our free site visit to establish the best design solution for your space.
  • Project managing from start to finish. We oversee a smooth and seamless delivery with all works meeting required quality and safety standards.
  • Supplying a flexible storage solution to meet the unique needs of your business, including warehouse mezzanine floors.
  • Installing the highest quality standards with very little interruption to your business
  • Providing aftercare: maintenance, repair & inspection.


How to Find a Pallet Racking Supplier

Have you recently taken on a new warehouse? Maybe you’re looking to give your racking a boost because your current equipment isn’t working for your business. Whatever your plans, there will definitely be a wish list of requirements for your racking to deliver. But, getting there isn’t as easy as you think. When making such a big investment, it’s crucial to choose a pallet racking supplier who can deliver a precise mix. This includes choosing the correct equipment for the job and a design that maximises safety and works for your business.

However, search for a pallet racking supplier and you quickly find it is a saturated market. Choosing one can be incredibly difficult. How do you know if they are qualified for the job? Will their design and racking choice deliver the most for your business? How do you know if they’ll maximise Return On Investment (ROI)?

In these days of ‘buyer beware’ it’s right to be cautious with your buying decisions. After all, racking may look simple, but the complexity of your system’s design, manufacture, and installation cannot be ignored. Especially when you consider the critical job it does to safely hold tonnes of product above your employees’ heads. In our blog, we look at the key areas to consider when choosing a pallet racking supplier.

choose the best pallet racking for your businessHow can pallet racking help your business?

Let’s start with the basics, why does getting the correct pallet racking for your business matter so much? As the growth in online shopping continues, the need for a workable warehouse is more important than ever.

Your racking plays a central role in delivering on expectations and should deliver on the following four areas:

  1. Maximise productivity: As a business owner, you want to your warehouse to run efficiently to maximise productivity and increase revenue. With the correct layout, your racking should maximise storage capacity, improve inventory management and make the journey from initial order to leaving the warehouse as seamlessly as possible.
  2. Meet industry regulations: Within the warehouse and racking industry there are numerous regulations that every business owner must be aware of. Your racking installation, depending on the size of the project, might fall under Construction Design & Management Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) requirements. Guidance has also been provided by the HSE in HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety. Although it is not a legal requirement to follow their advice, doing so can help you meet expected Health & Safety standards. Lastly, your racking is classed as work equipment and falls under the requirements of PUWER.
  3. Create a future-proof warehouse: Your racking is a big outlay, and you want to protect these costs as much as possible. To future-proof your warehouse and your investment, you need to consider whether the design of your racking has accommodated potential growth or adaptability in changing stock profiles.
  4. Increase safety: Last, but not least, there is the element of safety. Your racking should put safety at the forefront and aim to protect your employees at all costs. Does the design of your racking incorporate features such as safe zones, reducing the risk of falling loads or designated processing areas? These can all help to protect your employees while they work around the racking.

What to expect from a pallet racking supplier?

how to find a pallet racking supplier

So, with an abundance of suppliers on the market, what should you expect when you get in touch with a racking company?

After the initial consultation to establish your requirements and understand if your distributor can meet your requirements, the pallet racking supplier should visit your warehouse. This enables them to fully examine your warehouse processes and space before on the best system for your business.

They should be looking at the available space in your warehouse which includes the floor capacity and height of the ceiling. They will look at how often you need to access pallets and if you need zones for different processing tasks. The review should also consider the shelf life of the items you are going to palletise and their storage requirements. Answering questions like these will lead towards choosing the most suitable racking and design for your business.

Apart from the basic requirements of product system knowledge and correct design, you also need to work with a pallet racking supplier who can give your warehouse a boost. Warehouses have become multi-functional spaces and must work harder than ever. To meet these demands, you will probably need multiple systems for your project. Work with a supplier, like Teepee, who can deliver a turnkey solution which uses a range of products from different manufacturers. This affords us the flexibility to pick and choose the very best solution that meets the characteristics and needs of your business.

Using Teepee as a central contact point will save you a lot of time and energy. Gone is the need to negotiate with different companies and arrange delivery timescales and installation schedules! Working with our experienced project management team will minimise disruption to your business and ensure the installation complies with statutory requirements, building control, and CDM 2015 regulations.

Do their racking installers work safely?

does your pallet racking installers work safely

Once you and your supplier have worked through the most appropriate design for your warehouse, it’s on to the installation stage. Ensuring ongoing safety through the quality of the racking installation is an area that is often overlooked. Yet, making even one small mistake at this stage can increase unnecessary damage to the structure or, at worst, render the racking dangerous.

Always check that your supplier is working with installers who have gained industry qualifications. Never assume they are correctly trained. In reality, most installers learn on the job, and it is very easy for them to pick up bad habits. One recognised, industry qualification is SEIRS. Run by SEMA, SEIRS instructs on correct racking installation methods, industry-specific requirements for the job and practical skills when installing racking.

SEIRS is also a recognised qualification by the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS). So, if your racking project does fall under the remit of a construction project, you can be sure that your SEIRS CSCS installer has the qualifications to meet H&S requirements to work on site.

What after-sales care does your pallet racking supplier offer?

Once your racking is in place, the support from your pallet racking supplier shouldn’t stop! Do they have an after-sales team who can answer any queries? Will they come to the site if any problems do occur? Can they also advise on the best way to protect your racking from damage?

To protect your investment and enhance safety in the warehouse, your pallet racking supplier should provide training for your employees. This provides them with the knowledge required to work safely around the racking and identify when damage occurs. The training should also guide you on how to perform weekly inspections that confirm with HSG76.

As the owner, you must also get an approved racking inspector to inspect your equipment at least once a year. Their detailed inspection report will cover the suitability and compatibility of your equipment, and rack configuration type and classify any damage using a traffic light system to indicate actions required and the recommended timescale to address them.

How to find a pallet racking supplier?

how to find a pallet racking supplier

Now you know why you need correctly designed racking and what to expect from your supplier, it’s time to find the best company to work with. Of course, we’ve all done it, jumped on Google to search for a business before clicking on a few to check their company website. They all look impressive, demonstrate their experience and have plenty of testimonials and case studies. But is this enough? Does this make them reliable enough to put such a big investment into their hands?

Some words of warning. Experience is not always a measure of quality and safety. There are also very few barriers to entering the pallet racking market which means not every company has gained an accreditation to start supplying.

One of the best places to start is by heading over to the SEMA website. The Storage Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (SEMA) are a leading voice on safety and quality within the racking industry. They offer guidance on everything from meeting industry regulations to safety in racking installations all the way through to implementing the correct inspection procedure.

Companies, like Teepee, can apply to become one of their members as a SEMA Distributor Company. To successfully gain our badge, we have to demonstrate via an independent audit, that we adhere to over 40 key measures. These include regulations, industry standards, SEMA Codes of Practice and legislative requirements. On top of that, every three years we must submit to another independent audit to ensure we retain the expected quality and safety standards.

Racking Solutions From Teepee

Now you know what to look for from your racking supplier, are you ready to get started? If you’ve got a warehouse storage project planned in the near future, why not get in contact with Teepee? We will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote for the job. Plus with our long-standing relationship with suppliers, we have the skills and knowledge to deliver a full turnkey project.

Why not get in touch today?



Your Complete Guide to Understanding Warehouse Racking Repairs

Warehouse racking repairs, we hate to say it, are inevitable. In the busy day-to-day environment that is your warehouse, it’s natural for your storage equipment to be at risk of knocks and bumps. No matter what racking you have, eventually all that wear and tear is going to need some repair work. To keep your warehouse running smoothly and your workforce safe, ensuring it’s in the best condition is extremely important.

In this blog, we look at how you can minimise accidental damage and reduce ongoing repair costs. We’ll also look at what you can do to minimise maintenance costs and the best approaches to address racking repairs.

Racking Safety Regulations

warehouse racking repairs - safety regulations

When addressing warehouse racking repairs, the first place to start looking at the relevant safety regulations. Under the PUWER (Provisions and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) you, as the warehouse manager must ensure that any work equipment is in good working order. What you may not be aware of is the fact that your racking is classified as work equipment.

PUWER requires you to check whether any equipment is:

  • Suitable for the intended use
  • Safe to use
  • Inspected
  • Maintained in a safe condition

Failing to correctly do so can result in serious consequences. If an investigation by the HSE discovers you have failed in due diligence it can result in hefty fines. This doesn’t even take into account the potential impact on lives after a serious accident.

Inspections and Warehouse Racking Repairs

To meet PUWER it is recommended that you inspect your storage equipment. The design of your racking does allow for some wear and tear but there is a limit to what it can take. Even minor damage can limit the load-carrying capacity of the structure and quickly develop into a serious issue if not addressed.

A rigorous inspection regime will address any damage before it becomes serious. For industry guidance on inspections, there are two places to go. The HSE has produced ‘HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety’ or you can head to the website of SEMA who are the leading voice on safety in the storage equipment industry. Both recommend following a three-tiered process for inspecting warehouse racking.

How Often Should You Inspect Racking?

warehouse racking repairs - installation

  1. Every day your staff should be aware of any damage on the racking. Provide training for your employees, like our Rack Inspection Training course, and it will give them the tools they need to understand what classifies as racking damage. It is far more cost-effective to catch damage early before it develops into a more serious problem.This training also has the benefit of guiding them through safe working practices. Damaged racking can cause downtime for your business. Minimise unnecessary costs by making sure your employees know how to correctly work around the racking. Not only will it keep them safe but it should also reduce accidental damage to the structure.
  1. At least once a week, a member of your staff must undertake a more thorough inspection. This includes checking the loading is correct for the load notice and if there are any components that are missing or damaged. It will also check that everyone is using the equipment correctly. Again, our Rack Inspection Training course will guide them through the process.
  2. Finally, at least once a year, you must have an Expert Inspection by a qualified approved racking inspector. Their detailed inspection report will cover the suitability and compatibility of your equipment, and rack configuration type and classify any damage using a traffic light system to indicate actions required and the recommended timescale to address them.

If you’re overdue for your inspection or have not had one before, why not give us a call and we can arrange for one of our experienced racking inspectors to visit your site.

How do I know if I need warehouse racking repairs?

You know you have damage to your racking but does it need repairing every time? The first thing to understand is the level of the damage. If your racking inspection uses the traffic light system, it should be very easy to understand.

A ‘Green Risk’ shows that there is damage, but it falls well below SEMA allowances. This will be recorded for follow-up at the next inspection.

Next, is the ‘Amber Risk’. This is damage which requires repair work but not at a level that requires immediate offloading. However, you should be aware that as you empty the bays, they should not be refilled. This does not mean you can leave the repair work. SEMA advises that if you don’t get the ‘Amber Risk’ areas fixed within four weeks it will immediately become a ‘Red Risk’.

Now on to the worst type of damage ‘Red Risk’. This is an area with a high level of damage and must be immediately offloaded and isolated. You may only use the racking again once it has been repaired.

Protect your racking investment

warehouse racking repairs - installation

Before you jump online and book a company to come out and repair your racking, take caution! Not all repair work is valid. SEMA has produced guidance on what repair work they recommend and what should be avoided.

For example, your racking company should never undertake welding to the structure because there is no way to test the result of the weld and guarantee strength. If there is damage to an upright, you should never bend it back into shape – it’s far safe to cut out the affected area and splice in a new section. If you need to replace non-structural elements you should only use the correct manufacturer’s part according to their specification. Always check they are replacing the part with the correct one!!

Finally, check with the racking manufacturer on whether the repair work will affect your warranty. Any warehouse racking repairs using third-party materials or unqualified installers could alter the original specification and verification of the product and impact its integrity. The company undertaking the work must provide a warranty to confirm that the repairs are covered by the manufacturer.

How to choose a company to conduct your warehouse racking repairs

warehouse racking repairs - choose a supplier

If you’re looking to protect your investment, you need to work with a company that is approved by the manufacturer of your equipment. However, knowing which companies to trust can be a time-consuming process.

One solution is to work with a SEMA Distributor Company like Teepee. As a member of SEMA, we work closely with the manufacturing members and can access their documentation to conduct repair work. Any warehouse racking repairs will be approved by the manufacturer and protect your warranty.

To become a SEMA Distributor Company, we have been able to successfully demonstrate a high level of commitment to adhere to over 40 regulations, industry standards, Codes of Practice, and legislative requirements. We also have to submit to a three-yearly audit process which checks that we have technical sign-off and traceability for any racking repair work or modification. It will save you a lot of leg work and reassure you.

Need repairs to your racking?

As a member of SEMA, we are also committed to using SEIRS-trained racking installers. The programme run by SEMA ensures that all SEIRS installers have been through their rigorous two-stage training programme and instructs on the correct and safe industry practices for working on racking equipment.



Your Guide to Different Types of Warehouse Pallet Racking

Do you know the difference from wide aisle to push-back? Confused about whether you need a multi-tier to drive-through racking? Let our guide to warehouse pallet racking help you find the right system for your business.

When it comes to the subject of creating a highly efficient space in your warehouse, it is your storage equipment that will deliver maximum impact. Yet, with so many different types of warehouse pallet racking on the market, choosing the best one for your operations can be overwhelming.

Established in 1987 and having a proven track record within the logistics industry, at Teepee we understand how getting the correct warehouse racking system in place will help you achieve optimum productivity. Here, we explain the different types of systems that we provide, covering what each system is for, how it works, and key advantages for your business.


Do I need racking or shelving? 

This is one of the most common questions we’re asked at Teepee. There is no right or wrong answer to this one and it is possible to have both in your warehouse. In most situations, making a choice over racking or shelving largely depends on your space and the type of products you store.

Pallet racking – although not always the case, you normally choose pallet racking if you store items that are larger and heavier. The increased depths of the shelves make them ideal for holding pallets which you access by fork-lift trucks or automated processes. You can adjust beam to accommodate changing stock levels and utilise the full height of your warehouse.

Shelving – with shelving, you will usually store smaller and lighter items which are loaded by hand. Shelving is smaller than racking providing a more efficient space-saving solution. Goods are much easier to store and access, and due to its design, it tends to be a more cost-effective option.


What warehouse pallet racking do I need?

In its simplest form, warehouse pallet racking consists of metal frames and beams which are designed to safely hold up tonnes of stock. Yet, the way you configure the structure can have a huge impact on how well your warehouse performs. There are several different solutions and, with the correct design, your warehouse pallet racking will maximise your storage and streamline how stock moves through your warehouse. Here are your options.


Wide Aisle Pallet Racking

warehouse pallet racking - wide aisle

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for:

  • Warehouses with space
  • Warehouses that need lots of flexibility and adjustments

How does it work?

As the name suggests this system consists of single or double runs which are separated by wide aisles (normally 2500 – 4000mm in width). It is a very versatile storage option that gives forklift trucks direct access to the pallets. The flexibility of this system allows you to store an array of palletised goods, perfect for handling a variety of product ranges.

Wide aisle racking has the flexibility to support a mix of stock profiles at the same time, yet with the flexibility to easily adapt when needed. It also provides you with better control and management of your inventory.

You can fit wide aisle racking with an array of accessories such as pallet support bars, skids, weld mesh and timber shelves, enabling you to store a vast range of none palletised goods.


  • A very common and simple system to install and use
  • Quick access to stock
  • Immediate and unrestricted access to each pallet
  • High throughput speed
  • Adapted and utilised to suit your requirements and space e.g., adapt the height of the rack, the number of rows and much more
  • Standard forklift trucks


Very Narrow Aisle Pallet Racking (VNA)

warehouse pallet racking - VNA

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for warehouses with:

  • Limited floor space
  • High and increasing stock

How does it work?

If warehouse space is a problem, this is the ideal solution for you. As with the wide aisle racking, the system consists of single or double runs, but the true benefit is in the aisle space. The clue is in the name because this racking has aisles that range from only 1.5m up to 2.0m in width.

With VNA racking the sky really is the limit (almost) and you can take advantage of the full height of your warehouse. This makes it an ideal option if your business is growing. The racking can be put in place and additional storage space released as and when you need without having to relocate to a bigger warehouse.

Safety is key with this type of racking. The aisle width is too narrow for a standard truck to operate and instead requires a specialist VNA forklift truck. A wired guidance system fits to the floor which guides the trucks down the centre of the aisle. Stability is key. To avoid the chance of the racks being knocked by trucks, the racking must sit on an even, preferably concrete, floor.


  • Efficient use of warehouse space
  • Minimises need to relocate
  • Immediate and unrestricted access to pallets
  • High speed

See an example > A. Perry & Co (Hinges) Ltd | Teepee Warehouse Solutions


Double Deep Pallet Racking

warehouse pallet racking - double deep

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for warehouses with:

  • Long shelf life / non-perishable stock
  • More than one pallet per storage unit

How does it work?

This is essentially a standard pallet racking system. However, the main difference is that this system allows you to create a depth of two pallets that sit back-to-back.

Double deep racking solutions require a specialised truck having telescopic forks, which enables the operator to place the back pallet onto the system first, and then place another pallet in front.


  • Efficient stock control system
  • Maximises use of space
  • High density


Multi-tier Pallet Racking

warehouse pallet racking - multi tier

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for warehouses with:

  • Limited floor space
  • Manual picking systems
  • Quantities of small products such as online retailers

How does it work?

Multi-tier racking essentially creates a series of usable walkways at different heights throughout the racking. This has the advantage of maximising your floor space by creating multiple hand-loaded picking zones throughout the racking. Walkways are fitted between the shelves with access via a staircase.


  • Optimises height
  • High speed
  • Accessible and adaptable
  • Removes the need to install mezzanine floors
  • Improves picking and packing process


Push Back / Pallet Live Racking

warehouse pallet racking - push back

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for warehouses with:

  • High-density storage in a limited area
  • FIFO or FILO operations

How does it work?

There are two systems available:

  • Push back racking uses a First In Last Out (FILO) system. Pallets load onto a specially designed gravity roll track that pushes previously loaded pallets deep to the back. This system can store up to 10 pallets deep allowing efficient use of warehouse space. When you pick a pallet, the next one behind will move forward. Pallets load and unload from the same aisle picking space. You can store several SKUs without the need for moving large quantities of pallets to gain access.
  • Pallet live racking work on a First In First Out (FIFO) method. It is ideal for fast-paced environments such as food manufacturing. Pallets roll down specially designed lanes that are controlled by a series of inbuilt brake rollers. Each lane is loaded with pallets at the replenishment side and collected at the picking face on the opposite side to control stock rotation and levels.


  • 85% space utilisation
  • 4m – 4m aisle widths
  • Quick and easy access to pallets located at the picking face
  • High speed
  • Boost productivity
  • No need for specialist equipment


Drive-in, Drive-through Racking

warehouse pallet racking - drive in

This type of warehouse pallet racking is suitable for warehouses with:

  • High-density storage
  • Bulk storage systems
  • Limited stock rotation
  • Cold storage environments (e.g., refrigerated and frozen warehouses).
  • Seasonal products
  • Low turnover products

How does it work?

Drive in racking is a high-density storage system which is ideal for warehouses that stock a large number of pallets per SKU. The design of your drive-in racking will maximise your storage space by minimising the number of aisles needed for trucks. Multiple racks sit alongside each other with pallets loaded onto designated lanes and accessed by forklift trucks. Each pallet is supported by pallet rails which are attached to the uprights of the system. Pallets to be placed back-to-back within a compact structure to optimise both the vertical and horizontal space.

There are two ways the forklift truck can access the pallets:

Drive-in – this is designed on a last-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory management basis. The forklift truck loads and picks each pallet using the same aisle.

Drive-through – this is designed on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory management basis. The forklift truck has access to both ends and therefore can load from one side and unload from the other.


  • 85% space optimisation
  • Low risk of damage
  • Maximum flexibility – expandable

See an example > Minor Weir & Willis (MWW) | Teepee Warehouse Solutions


Need help with your warehouse pallet racking?

We hope that this page has helped you to find the right system for you. If you’re looking to increase your storage space, why not get in touch and see how we at Teepee can help. We work closely with our customers to design bespoke storage systems that get to the heart of their business to maximise their storage and boost productivity.

If you have any questions, get in touch with one of our team who are on hand to help you out.

Contact us today.



Warehouse Racking Layout


When it comes to designing your warehouse, you can never plan enough. Do you know what layout you will have? What will your inventory management be like? What stock are you storing? How will it be handled? 

There are many different aspects and principles to consider. Yet get the planning right, choose the correct racking and it can provide numerous benefits for your business. It is all about making the most out of your warehouse to increase efficiencies, improve productivity and meet customer needs. 

We take you step-by-step through the different design aspects you must consider when talking to a racking supplier. If it does get too overwhelming, don’t forget that at Teepee we have a team of experienced warehouse pallet racking experts of 35 years who can work with you to design your perfect solution. We can take all the planning and designing weight off your shoulders, putting put your warehouse in the best hands. 

Are you ready to start? 


The Layout 

Warehouse racking layout

The first place to start is with the layout of your storage solution.  

Storage Volume 

Every warehouse has a maximum storage capacity. One of the most common issues is running out of space.

which means you either start planning to move to a bigger warehouse or rent additional space. Yet understanding how to maximise your constraints can make the most of the space with the flexibility to adapt in the future.  


How many pallets will there be passing through the warehouse? Once you have an idea of quantity it can help determine the right choice and layout of your storage system. For example, if you have a large number of pallets per SKU then a bulk storage solution such as a drive-in/drive-through racking will be worth considering but if you have multiple SKUs, you may need more than one type of storage system. 


Of course, ease of accessibility to your stock will ensure orders get out of the door as quickly as possible. Consider who and what equipment is involved in the picking and packing process. This will not only drive productivity but will also improve safety standards. After all, if an obstruction stops a team member from accessing stock or no consideration is given to safe working zones you could run the risk of a serious accident occurring. 


Inventory Management

warehouse racking layout support

Getting your inventory management process in order is the optimum way to choose the best warehouse pallet racking system. At the same time it will also support your throughput of stock and drive ROI. 

How will you manage the inbound and outbound stock moving through the warehouse? Once the pallets arrive, what would the flow be like, where would they go and what is their journey? The team should make sure that the shipment is correct and moved to a designated racking system where it can be stored until used in the outbound process. 

This will then lead to the matter of traceability and always knowing what is inside the pallet and how it travels from point A to point B. By putting traceability as one of the priorities, you can achieve quality control and enhanced productivity. 


Storage Solution

warehouse racking layout support

Finally, on to the backbone of your warehouse – finding a racking system and design shape that works best for your business. 

Racking Systems  

With over 30 years of experience in the logistics industry, at Teepee we understand how getting the correct warehouse racking system in place will help you achieve optimum productivity. There are multiple pallet racking options and the type you need depends on your warehouse, stock and processes. If you would like more information, head over to our blog ‘Your guide on warehouse pallet racking systems’ which covers what each system is for, how it works, and key advantages. 

Once you’ve chosen the best pallet racking, it’s on to the design shape of the system. 


Design Shape 

  • U Shape is a simple design that allows inventory to move into and out of storage at different rates. As the name suggests, the warehouse pallet racking is set up in a ‘U’ shape with shipping and loading at the front the storage is at the back. From a land use perspective, it is known as the most economical design. It can also split the warehouse into three different zones – fast-moving storage and pick faces at the front, medium-moving storage in the middle, and slow-moving storage at the back.  This reduces the distances travelled to access the stock. 
  • I Shape allows inventory to move into and out of the storage at a uniform, fast rate. There is just one direction meaning the receiving area is at one end and the dispatch area at the other. If you do pick this shape, remember that the inventory will need to travel the whole length of the warehouse before being able to retrieve the stock. 
  • L Shape allows inventory to move into and out of the storage at a cross-docking operation. Loading and reception areas are on one side of the warehouse and picking and shipping are on the other. The rest of the space is then filled with storage. 


Warehouse Pallet Racking Safety

Safety and a warehouse should always go hand-in-hand. After all, the consequences of something going wrong with your racking while holding tonnes of stock is not worth considering. 

Yet, in an industry that is largely unregulated, knowing how to trust the experience of your racking supplier can be difficult to navigate. Does your supplier have the appropriate credentials to assure that your racking system is safe? Do they meet and exceed regulations required by industry standards?  

One way to get reassurance on the quality and safety of your supplier is to work with a SEMA Distributor Company (SDC). For over 50 years SEMA has led the way on providing best practice standards within the storage equipment industry. As one of their SDCs, every three years Teepee has to demonstrate their high level of commitment to industry standards by submitting ourselves to an independent assessment. During the rigorous process, we must show that we adhere to over 40 regulations, industry standards, Codes of Practice and legislative requirements to retain our membership and prove our credentials. 

We also follow industry best practice advice and use SEIRS registered installers. SEIRS is an initiative run by SEMA which trains warehouse pallet racking installers on the methods and processes to safely and correctly install pallet racking. 


Get in Touch

Looking to maximise your warehouse? Get in touch and see how one of our team can help you with the design of your racking. At Teepee we have 35 years of experience, providing services from the very beginning right through to the completion of the project. We can assure you that you will be supported through every key stage.