
Complete Guide On How To Manage Seasonal Demand in Warehousing

How was your warehouse this Black Friday? Are you dreading the Christmas rush? Most warehouses feel the strain of peaks but instead of getting overwhelmed, now is the time to make a change with some planning to help you manage seasonal demand in warehousing.

There are ways to reduce the impact and ensure your business remains profitable when the orders flood in. With our reliable storage solutions, we can ensure that your systems run smoothly – even when running at peak capacity!

What are seasonal demand fluctuations?

Throughout most of the year, it can be easy to predict product demand and implement accurate inventory planning. However, seasonal demand covers the busy periods in the warehouse when buying habits change due to external events. Most typically they happen during holiday seasons for example when customers are looking to order more such as presents at Christmas. But, it can also cover seasonal events when the consumer is looking to buy more such as items for their annual holiday.

During these periods inventory levels usually run higher with product demand potentially requiring different stock profiles. To run the warehouse successfully you need to implement careful planning to mete the surge in demand.

how to manage seasonal demand in the warehouse

Why does seasonal demand in warehousing cause problems

the main problem is, the need to meet product demand fluctuations. Even though your warehouse can manage capacity for approximately 75% of the year, the other 25% suddenly requires solutions that can meet customer demand and xxx.

The main problem for warehouse owners trying to meet seasonal demand fluctuations, is the ability and flexibility to respond quickly. With customer demand buying earlier for large events such as Christmas, the additional stock requirements and need to hold excess inventory while also increasing pick speeds can place a great strain on the supply chain and the warehouse.

If your warehouse isn’t working at full capacity, here are some of the key areas to consider changing:

1. Warehouse Management – Designed For Speed

The Problem:

At busy times of the year, the key thing you need to unlock is faster picking methods. After all, get your stock from point A to point B in the quickest and safest way possible and it means the order will be despatched Just In Time.

Stock isn’t getting over to the picking and packing area as quickly as you need which is causing delays in getting orders out of the door – the last thing you need is disappointed customers. Even worse, your employees are complaining they can’t locate storage locations to pick the stock or it’s difficult to unload and movement between the zones in your warehouse is limited.

The Solution:

You need to create harmony and a smooth operation in the warehouse to reduce potential bottlenecks, maximise efficiencies and meet the increase in demand. Achieve this by ensuring movement between the different areas is seamless by implementing a racking design that aids the process. Adopt a logical approach – when stock arrives it moves quickly to the correct position for storing. When needed it will be seamlessly picked and moved to the packing area before leaving, on time, for the customer.

flexible storage solutions to accommodate peak seasonal fluctuations

2. Flexible Storage Systems to Meet Market Trends

The problem:

In any warehouse, flexibility has to be the name of the game when it comes to your racking equipment. The design of your storage equipment must have the ability to grow with your business and maximise the potential of your warehouse space.

Your warehouse is full and there is no room to stock more goods but, as seasonal demand for items grows, your storage capacity is limiting the stock levels you can hold. Ideally, you want to avoid the heavy investment of moving premises with extra storage costs, especially with space unused during off-peak season operations. There is also the concern of what happens if there is supply chain disruption.

The solution:

Get your racking systems to drive efficiencies in your warehouse with a solution that matches your processes but also incorporates the flexibility to meet market trends and hold excess inventory when required. Work with warehouse storage experts like Teepee who will design a system that enables adaptability such as adjustable shelving, modular solutions or mezzanine flooring to optimise the available space. Different racking systems can also maximise the footprint of your floor such as Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) racking which utilises the height of your warehouse or Double Deep Racking which offers high-density storage by allowing you to create a depth of two pallets that sit back-to-back.

3. Faster Picking Times During Seasonal Peaks

The Problem:

Speed is the name of the game during warehouse peak season operations. The faster you get stock out the door, the more orders you can send and the bigger your profit. To meet expectations of timely deliveries and increase sales opportunities, your picking speeds need a boost, cut down on errors and prepare for seasonal planning.

 The design of your racking is enhancing the throughput stock and orders are flowing through your warehouse but you still can’t seem to increase picking times. During normal periods, this isn’t a problem but during peaks with seasonal products, it’s quickly creating issues.

The solution:

The first thing you can do is to go digital with your stock control with inventory management software.  You may already have a Warehouse Management System (WMS) in place but does the current system need a review? Can it deliver accurate forecasting and real-time stock inventory to meet fluctuations in demand patterns and eliminate wastage with excess stock?

The second step is automation. As the popularity of these systems increases, prices have been driven down. Even adding in only a few automated systems can quickly provide a large increase in pick time. Last but not least, see if your choice of racking can improve the situation. For example, push-back racking places the pallets on gravity tracks to enable high-density storage locations for several SKUs without needing to move large quantities of pallets to gain access

faster picking times and reduced errors in the warehouse

4. Staff Training

The Problem:

Prepare your team for working in areas with racking and it can provide multiple benefits. Not only will it keep them safe and provide them with the knowledge on how to look after the racking but they will also feel confident in working around the storage equipment.

The problem is, your team on the warehouse floor don’t understand the complexities of working around racking. They haven’t been shown how to read a load notice sign or how to place or remove stock from the racks. This can very quickly lead to damage which, in a busy warehouse when product demand is high, it can be a big problem (see Looking After Your Racking section below).

The solution:

Give your team the confidence they need to work safely in areas with racking and they’ll have the skills to work more efficiently. To achieve this, send them on a training course with experts within the racking industry. Ideally, you want to work with a company that designs and supplies storage equipment that will have a greater understanding of how these systems work and how to use them correctly. For example, our Racking Safety and Awareness Course will equip your employees with the tools they need to recognise damage on racking, correct loading methods and safe operating procedures.

5. Look after your racking

The problem:

Damaged racking is a disaster when the peak season operations periods hit. Ignoring even small damage on your racking is not an option and will likely lead to more serious issues. Getting damaged racking repaired will ultimately reduce order efficiency but throw in the busiest periods of the year and additional cost gains usually made at this time of year will instead slip away.

When you racking becomes damaged it can mean the whole bay being put out of action. But here’s the problem, your warehouse is at peak demand and you don’t have time to get someone in to repair it or consider how to work around a team fixing your racking.

The solution:

Take a proactive approach. This means implementing a regular inspection process with daily inspections by employees who work around the racking – our training can help prepare them for this task. Next, you need to appoint a member of your team to undertake the role of Person Responsible for Racking Safety (PRRS). Their job is to conduct regular, weekly visual inspections and maintain a written record of their findings to ensure your company is meeting Health & Safety Executive (HSE) requirements.

Finally, make sure you book a visit with one of our approved inspectors for your Expert inspection. Conducted at least once a year, the Expert inspection can only be conducted by a qualified inspector. Get one of our inspectors in and they will identify any problems and then provide actionable solutions to keep your warehouse racking safe and compliant with regulations.

A SEMA-accredited Teepee inspector carrying out a warehouse racking inspection

Do you need help with strategic planning for seasonal sales?

If you’re ready to take your warehouse to the next level and get in shape for the peak season in 2025, now’s the time to implement an effective strategy that will help you to meet seasonal trends. Why not contact us and let’s have a chat about what problems your warehouse is facing and how we can help you meet product demand? With over 30 years of experience within the industry, we’re confident that we can find a solution to improve productivity in your warehouse.



Warehouse Racking Inspection: The Essential Guide

Warehouse safety is paramount for any business. If your business uses storage equipment like pallet racking, cantilever racking, shelving, and mezzanine floors, you are legally required to conduct an annual expert inspection—in addition to the regular in-house inspections of your storage equipment.

With heavy stock constantly on the move, it’s crucial to prioritise the well-being of your employees. In today’s fast-paced e-commerce landscape, the pressure to maximise storage capacity and speed up output can sometimes completely overshadow safety concerns.

Regular warehouse racking inspections are vital for ensuring a safe working environment and maximising the lifespan of your racking system. What’s more, yearly warehouse inspections are now mandatory under HSE legislation. This blog provides the ultimate guide on warehouse racking inspections to help ensure your business stays compliant with legislation and remains a safe workplace for you and your employees. Let’s dive in.

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What is a Warehouse Racking Inspection?

A warehouse racking inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of your storage system’s condition. It identifies any potential damage, wear and tear, or non-compliance with safety regulations. Qualified inspectors conduct these inspections, meticulously examining every component of your warehouse’s racking system.

Staff walking away from racking during a warehouse racking inspection

Warehouse Racking Inspection Checklist

A thorough warehouse racking inspection checklist should cover all the essential aspects of your storage system. Here’s a breakdown of the key areas inspectors typically focus on:

  • Uprights: Inspectors will check for dents, rust, cracks, or any signs of twisting or damage to the uprights, which are the vertical support beams of the racking system.
  • Beams: A close inspection of the beams ensures they are free from bends, cracks, or broken welds. Inspectors will also verify that beam connectors and beam-to-upright connections are secure.
  • Beam clips: Missing, incorrectly fitted, or the wrong type of beam clips can compromise the stability of the racking system. Inspectors will ensure all clips are present, properly secured, and the correct type for the specific beams and uprights.
  • Bracing: Both diagonal and horizontal bracing elements are crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the racking. Inspectors will check for any bends, damage, or signs of loose connections.
  • Bolts: All bolts, especially floor anchors, are scrutinised for tightness and any signs of damage or shear.
  • Footplates: Bent, twisted, or torn footplates can affect the stability of the racking. Inspectors will ensure they are in good condition.
  • Load notices: These signs display the maximum weight capacity for each bay of racking. Inspectors will verify their presence, legibility, and accuracy.
  • General housekeeping: The overall tidiness of the warehouse around the racking is also assessed. Proper housekeeping practices minimise the risk of accidental damage to the racking system.

Inspectors meticulously examine every component of the racking system, and their inspections can often cover other areas including:

  • Improper loading: Overloaded bays or unevenly distributed weight can put undue stress on the racking system.

  • Modifications: Any unauthorised modifications to the racking system can compromise its safety. Inspectors will look for signs of tampering or alterations.

  • Clearance issues: Adequate clearance between pallets, beams, and aisles is crucial for safe operation of forklifts and other warehouse equipment.

Book your warehouse inspection today


Racking that has been cleared of products for a warehouse racking inspection

Warehouse Storage Inspection Requirements: HSE Legislation

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK enforces regulations concerning the safety of warehouse racking. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER): PUWER specifically applies to warehouse racking, requiring employers to ensure the work equipment (including racking) is:

  • Suitable for its intended use.

  • Safe for use, handling, storage and transport.

  • Inspected and maintained in a safe condition.

In addition to these HSE regulations, there are industry guidelines that provide best practices for warehouse racking safety. These include HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety, published by the HSE.

Teepee: Choose approved Inspectors

Established in 1987, Teepee’s in-house racking inspectors are fully qualified and insured, providing unbiased advice during inspections. We use approved inspectors to conduct comprehensive inspections of all our storage solutions, ensuring your warehouse remains safe and compliant with Health & Safety regulations. Regular inspections will help to minimise warehouse accidents and potential damage. Our experts will provide detailed reports and professional advice, highlighting areas that need urgent attention.

Trust Teepee Warehouse Solutions for your warehouse racking inspections to ensure your storage systems are safe and to reduce future costs by contacting us today.

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How Often Should Warehouse Racking Be Inspected?

The frequency of warehouse racking inspections depends on several factors, including:

Industry Regulations: The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK enforces regulations concerning the safety of warehouse racking. These regulations recommend a minimum of an annual expert inspection by a qualified and insured racking inspector.

Warehouse Activity Level: Warehouses with high traffic and frequent product movement require more frequent inspections compared to those with lower activity levels. In such cases, a weekly inspection by a designated and trained employee is recommended, in addition to the annual expert inspection.

Damage History: If your racking system has a history of damage, more frequent inspections are necessary to monitor any existing issues and prevent further deterioration.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the recommended inspection schedule:

  • Daily: Warehouse staff should be aware of any potential damage and report it immediately.

  • Weekly: A designated and trained employee should perform a more thorough inspection, checking for proper loading and missing or damaged components.

  • Annually: A qualified and insured racking inspector should conduct a comprehensive inspection to assess the overall health of your racking system.

A low-angle shot of a warehouse following a warehouse racking inspection

Teepee: Your Partner for Warehouse Racking Inspections

Teepee isn’t just a supplier of high-quality storage solutions; we’re also your dedicated partner in warehouse safety. Here’s why you should choose Teepee for your warehouse racking inspections:

  • Approved Inspectors: Our inspectors hold the necessary qualifications to conduct thorough and accurate inspections.
  • Expert Advice: We don’t just identify problems – we provide actionable solutions to keep your warehouse racking safe and compliant with regulations.
  • Experience in Diverse Industries: Our experience spans a wide range of industries, so we can tailor our inspections to your specific needs.
  • Traffic Light Reporting System: We use a clear and concise traffic light system to categorise damage, making it easy to understand the urgency of repairs.
  • Repair and Maintenance Services: In addition to inspections, we offer a comprehensive suite of repair and maintenance services to keep your racking system in top condition.

By partnering with Teepee for your warehouse storage inspections, you gain peace of mind knowing your storage system is safe for your employees and efficient for your operations.

Contact Teepee today for an inspection of your warehouse’s racking and storage systems.

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A warehouse birds eye view during a warehouse racking inspection




Warehouse Trends 2024 – How to Plan Warehouse Racking Systems

Is your warehouse ready for 2024? At this early stage of the year, it is the ideal time for businesses to review their warehouse and work on a plan that will boost productivity and increase efficiencies. Maybe you’ve run out of storage space? Do you need to review your warehouse racking systems or your picking and packing timescales are too slow? Do you need to upgrade your warehouse management, or do you want to analyse changes in customer behaviour? In this new era of increased e-commerce, the warehouse and logistics industry is rapidly changing. However, new warehouse trends and developments are arising that could provide the answers.

So where is the best place to start? With so much noise, it’s hard to pinpoint the changes that will provide the best Return On Investment. If you’re worried about the affordability of new technologies, not sure how easy they are to implement or concerned about disrupting warehouse life, this blog is just for you.

With over 30 years of experience working in the storage equipment and warehousing industry, we know a thing or two about how you can give your warehouse a push in the right direction. Our complete guide will give you some pointers. We look at ways to improve the agility of your supply chain, and how you can future-proof your warehouse for this new revolution in warehouse trends.

Warehouse Trends - add workable space with a mezzanine floor

Optimising Your Warehouse Space

Before looking at new warehouse trends and what to invest in, let’s start off your 2024 plan with something you already have – your warehouse space. With the cost-of-living crisis challenging our year ahead and warehouse space at a premium, how can we make changes without breaking the bank?

In recent years, warehouse owners have faced the problem of not having enough storage capacity. This could be due to rising costs or a lack of availability of suitable units. Moving doesn’t always have to be the answer. Instead, look at making the best use of your space and invest in a new warehouse racking system. You may not realise it, but your racking could be the key that unlocks a lot of the problems you may experience in your warehouse.

  • Lack of storage?
    Choose warehouse racking systems which increases the density and capacity of your space. For example, a multi-tier structure adds additional storage space and maximises the full height of your building. Or create additional floor space within the same unit with a warehouse mezzanine floor. If you haven’t got the height opt for a VNA (Very Narrow Aisle) which decreases the aisle width and allows more racking within the same space.
  • A need for speed?
    Ensure your layout works for the throughput of your stock. Its journey from the moment it arrives in the warehouse until the moment it leaves should be seamless. To speed up the process, the design of your warehouse racking systems should enhance the flow of the stock, making it easy to locate and removing sticking points. You could even opt for a system such as push-back racking. This operates on a FILO (first in, last out) system which provides less need for manual stock rotation to increase picking and packing timescales.

Future Proofing: Keeping up with Warehouse Trends in 2024

Is your warehouse ready for the future? Can it maximise your business for years to come? Although your warehouse might have supported your business performance in the past, there is no guarantee it will do so in the future. This is especially true when you look at the rise of e-commerce and the demands it places for faster delivery times and multifunctional spaces.

Of course, installing the best warehouse racking systems for your space can help, but to stay competitive in 2024 it is also critical to understand what the new warehouse trends are and how they can improve your business. To help you out, here we share what we believe the future holds. Not that we are psychics or anything.

Warehouse trends - automation

Automation Trend

Even though we have just stepped into 2024, the warehouse industry knows that the advancements in warehouse automation and AI will continue to be a hot topic. After all, integrate these technological advances and it can improve productivity, increase the flow of stock, deliver consistent results. However, for a lot of smaller logistics, cost has been a prohibitive factor. As the growth and uptake of automation continue, prices are expected to come down and, with the efficiencies it can deliver, should offer a high Return On Investment for businesses.

Of course, any new technology must be the right fit for your warehouse and work with your space. To be successful, the new solutions have to be harmonious with the traditional – your warehouse racking systems. Get advice from industry experts on how automation, robotics or AI will work for you and whether the design of your racking accommodates key elements. For example, does it provide clearance for the movement of automation or build on the improvements the new technology can deliver?

Data is King!

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are not new in the modern warehouse and most businesses have one in place to improve efficiencies. However, as technology advances, now might be the time to address whether your WMS still works for your business.

WMS are essential for providing real-time analytics and insights into the movement of your stock and managing your supply chain fulfilment. Combine the system with AI, especially with hybrid operations, and it can improve the process even further. This will increase the efficiency of your warehouse by avoiding the chance of stockouts and enabling quick response times. Get the right warehouse racking systems in place to support your WMS and it can transform your warehouse.

Warehouse trends - inspection


As transparency becomes a big factor, customers are expecting businesses to share their contributions to reducing carbon emissions. As the new generation becomes more conscious about environmental impacts and methods towards achieving net zero targets, sustainable efforts by businesses have become a major factor that has influenced buying behaviour/ purchasing decisions. Warehouse owners must prioritise the integration of sustainability at an early stage.

It can be challenging to implement sustainability in the logistics industry. Yet even small changes can be implemented that can make significant savings on carbon emissions. Whether it’s implementing energy-efficient lighting, HVAC or increasing the number of recyclable materials used in your packaging. Also, examine the credentials of your warehouse racking systems. Look at where it has been manufactured and the journey it makes to your warehouse. Alternatively increase the lifespan of your equipment by adopting a rigorous inspection regime

Warehouse trends - work environment

Quality Work Environments

With rising mental health issues over the past 10 years, the focus on well-being in the workplace has become an important factor. Fostering a positive work environment has proven to have a great impact on employee engagement and organisational performance.

You can support your team by introducing a positive work culture. Specify designated break areas that are comfortable and relaxing. Equip them with the knowledge to perform their job correctly. When it comes to your racking this has the added benefit of keeping them safe! Send them on a training course like our Rack Inspection Training course. Delivered by our expert instructors, the course provides them with the knowledge to work safely around warehouse racking systems. They will also learn how to recognise damage to the equipment. Training is a great way to bring peace of mind to any work environment.

How can Teepee help?

We hope this blog gives you a better understanding of how to give your warehouse a boost in 2024.

Need some help? Why not get in touch with Teepee and see how we can help to upgrade your business in 2024? As a SEMA Distributor Company and through our experience with a wide range of industries, we can provide a full turnkey solution that delivers everything you need to maximise your performance and increase safety:

  • Start with our free site visit to establish the best design solution for your space.
  • Project managing from start to finish. We oversee a smooth and seamless delivery with all works meeting required quality and safety standards.
  • Supplying a flexible storage solution to meet the unique needs of your business, including warehouse mezzanine floors.
  • Installing the highest quality standards with very little interruption to your business
  • Providing aftercare: maintenance, repair & inspection.


Your Complete Guide to Understanding Warehouse Racking Repairs

Warehouse racking repairs, we hate to say it, are inevitable. In the busy day-to-day environment that is your warehouse, it’s natural for your storage equipment to be at risk of knocks and bumps. No matter what racking you have, eventually all that wear and tear is going to need some repair work. To keep your warehouse running smoothly and your workforce safe, ensuring it’s in the best condition is extremely important.

In this blog, we look at how you can minimise accidental damage and reduce ongoing repair costs. We’ll also look at what you can do to minimise maintenance costs and the best approaches to address racking repairs.

Racking Safety Regulations

warehouse racking repairs - safety regulations

When addressing warehouse racking repairs, the first place to start looking at the relevant safety regulations. Under the PUWER (Provisions and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) you, as the warehouse manager must ensure that any work equipment is in good working order. What you may not be aware of is the fact that your racking is classified as work equipment.

PUWER requires you to check whether any equipment is:

  • Suitable for the intended use
  • Safe to use
  • Inspected
  • Maintained in a safe condition

Failing to correctly do so can result in serious consequences. If an investigation by the HSE discovers you have failed in due diligence it can result in hefty fines. This doesn’t even take into account the potential impact on lives after a serious accident.

Inspections and Warehouse Racking Repairs

To meet PUWER it is recommended that you inspect your storage equipment. The design of your racking does allow for some wear and tear but there is a limit to what it can take. Even minor damage can limit the load-carrying capacity of the structure and quickly develop into a serious issue if not addressed.

A rigorous inspection regime will address any damage before it becomes serious. For industry guidance on inspections, there are two places to go. The HSE has produced ‘HSG76 Warehousing and Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety’ or you can head to the website of SEMA who are the leading voice on safety in the storage equipment industry. Both recommend following a three-tiered process for inspecting warehouse racking.

How Often Should You Inspect Racking?

warehouse racking repairs - installation

  1. Every day your staff should be aware of any damage on the racking. Provide training for your employees, like our Rack Inspection Training course, and it will give them the tools they need to understand what classifies as racking damage. It is far more cost-effective to catch damage early before it develops into a more serious problem.This training also has the benefit of guiding them through safe working practices. Damaged racking can cause downtime for your business. Minimise unnecessary costs by making sure your employees know how to correctly work around the racking. Not only will it keep them safe but it should also reduce accidental damage to the structure.
  1. At least once a week, a member of your staff must undertake a more thorough inspection. This includes checking the loading is correct for the load notice and if there are any components that are missing or damaged. It will also check that everyone is using the equipment correctly. Again, our Rack Inspection Training course will guide them through the process.
  2. Finally, at least once a year, you must have an Expert Inspection by a qualified approved racking inspector. Their detailed inspection report will cover the suitability and compatibility of your equipment, and rack configuration type and classify any damage using a traffic light system to indicate actions required and the recommended timescale to address them.

If you’re overdue for your inspection or have not had one before, why not give us a call and we can arrange for one of our experienced racking inspectors to visit your site.

How do I know if I need warehouse racking repairs?

You know you have damage to your racking but does it need repairing every time? The first thing to understand is the level of the damage. If your racking inspection uses the traffic light system, it should be very easy to understand.

A ‘Green Risk’ shows that there is damage, but it falls well below SEMA allowances. This will be recorded for follow-up at the next inspection.

Next, is the ‘Amber Risk’. This is damage which requires repair work but not at a level that requires immediate offloading. However, you should be aware that as you empty the bays, they should not be refilled. This does not mean you can leave the repair work. SEMA advises that if you don’t get the ‘Amber Risk’ areas fixed within four weeks it will immediately become a ‘Red Risk’.

Now on to the worst type of damage ‘Red Risk’. This is an area with a high level of damage and must be immediately offloaded and isolated. You may only use the racking again once it has been repaired.

Protect your racking investment

warehouse racking repairs - installation

Before you jump online and book a company to come out and repair your racking, take caution! Not all repair work is valid. SEMA has produced guidance on what repair work they recommend and what should be avoided.

For example, your racking company should never undertake welding to the structure because there is no way to test the result of the weld and guarantee strength. If there is damage to an upright, you should never bend it back into shape – it’s far safe to cut out the affected area and splice in a new section. If you need to replace non-structural elements you should only use the correct manufacturer’s part according to their specification. Always check they are replacing the part with the correct one!!

Finally, check with the racking manufacturer on whether the repair work will affect your warranty. Any warehouse racking repairs using third-party materials or unqualified installers could alter the original specification and verification of the product and impact its integrity. The company undertaking the work must provide a warranty to confirm that the repairs are covered by the manufacturer.

How to choose a company to conduct your warehouse racking repairs

warehouse racking repairs - choose a supplier

If you’re looking to protect your investment, you need to work with a company that is approved by the manufacturer of your equipment. However, knowing which companies to trust can be a time-consuming process.

One solution is to work with a SEMA Distributor Company like Teepee. As a member of SEMA, we work closely with the manufacturing members and can access their documentation to conduct repair work. Any warehouse racking repairs will be approved by the manufacturer and protect your warranty.

To become a SEMA Distributor Company, we have been able to successfully demonstrate a high level of commitment to adhere to over 40 regulations, industry standards, Codes of Practice, and legislative requirements. We also have to submit to a three-yearly audit process which checks that we have technical sign-off and traceability for any racking repair work or modification. It will save you a lot of leg work and reassure you.

Need repairs to your racking?

As a member of SEMA, we are also committed to using SEIRS-trained racking installers. The programme run by SEMA ensures that all SEIRS installers have been through their rigorous two-stage training programme and instructs on the correct and safe industry practices for working on racking equipment.