A Teepee instructor delivering racking inspection training in a warehouse

Racking Inspection Training is essential for all companies who have storage equipment on their premises such as pallet rackingcantilever racking and shelving. They must have a trained employee nominated as a PRRS (Person Responsible Racking Safety) in accordance with HSG76 Warehousing & Storage: A Guide to Health and Safety which states:

644 Employees should receive training, information and instruction on the safe operation of the racking system, including the parts affecting their safety and the safety of others.

645 The PRRS should ensure that inspections are made at weekly or other regular intervals based on risk assessment. A formal written record should be maintained.’

The PRRS must attain a level of competency to carry out regular in-house inspections of pallet racking, cantilever racking and shelving being able to record their findings in a clear and precise format. Depending upon the severity of the damage they should arrange for damaged items to be monitored or repaired in line with SEMA Guidelines.

Racking and Safety Awareness Course

Our racking and safety awareness course is aimed at team leaders, supervisors, and managers who are responsible for the safe operation of the storage equipment.

On completion of the course, they would have obtained the qualification of ‘Person Responsible Racking Safety’ commonly known as a PPRS. Their duties are to ensure visual inspections of the storage equipment is carried out on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly interval based on internal risk assessment, produce a formal written record, ensure areas of concern are section off and staff are informed, then arrange or inform management of remedial action.

An ‘Expert’ inspection will still be required every 12 – months by a trained specialist.

What is included in the training course?

  • Rack safety legislation and guidance.
  • Rack safety inspection – How often and by whom.
  • User responsibilities – Safe operating procedures.
  • Load notice signs – Importance / display of correct information.
  • Racking terminology and safe operating clearances.
  • Identifying damage – SEMA guidelines racking & shelving surveys.
  • Inspection equipment – Equipment required to carry out survey.
  • Inspecting & recording damage – SEMA traffic light system.
  • Damage prevention – SEMA guidelines pallet racking protection.
  • How to produce a M&R assessment for the inspection of storage equipment.

All courses are undertaken onsite by our qualified inspector. This will consist of an interactive classroom-based course, followed by an onsite practical inspection of your own equipment.

On completion a multiple-choice examination will take place, subject to candidate completing this course successfully, a certificate will be issued lasting 3 – years.

What are the Benefits of Racking Inspection Training For Your Staff?

Well, there is your instant peace of mind for safety, someone trained in checking a load-bearing structure on a weekly/monthly basis, is surely better than once a year! In case of an incident, you always have someone who can recognise the potential dangers and knows just what to do to make it safe so that there is no damage to stock or personnel. We would go further and say that having more than one on-site PRRS spreads the safety culture even further as each would assume ownership of different areas of racking and share a routine for inspections as well as assisting each other in judgements.

But it does not stop there, trained PRRS not only fully understand your storage equipment but understand the legal implications and requirements as it is a significant module within our course. This means that the internal racking inspections are carried out as required, with the correct paperwork that satisfies both SEMA and HSE and that any remedial repairs are carried out promptly and not being left till the annual inspection always ensuring a safe loaded system.

All courses are delivered by our qualified inspectors, drawing on both their knowledge and experience to give a comprehensive training day. The classroom-based element of the course equips candidates to a level of competence that meets guidelines and legislation, the practical allows candidates to inspect in familiar surroundings alongside the qualified inspector ensuring a continuity of findings between the frequent in-house inspections and the annual SEMA inspection as well as gaining proficiency in recording information to SEMA and HSE requirements.

*As an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees and to maintain your storage equipment


At Teepee all our qualified inspectors are fully insured and trained in accordance with SEMA guidelines, enabling annual expert inspections to be carried out every 12 months to meet HSE requirements.


Accompanied with all detailed reports will be a 12- month completion certificate, furthermore Teepee will contact you 3 – months prior to your next inspection with a no obligation reminder quotation.


Teepee will provide free support to your PRRS representative for 12 – months. We also offer further discounts on additional site inspections throughout the year (if required), plus multi – site inspections.


As an approved SEMA accredited supplier, we can provide a no obligation quotation to undertake any repair work and maintain manufacturers warranties. Our fully insured repair service only uses genuine components and qualified installers.